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I believe that counselling can be for anyone. People can come to counselling for many different reasons.

The counsellor role is to support you and to provide a space which enables you to explore your thoughts, feelings and also behaviours that you have may have developed through difficult times.

Everything that is shared is kept strictly confidential unless there is a risk of harm to yourself or others. This confidentiality will help to facilitate a safe, trusting relationship between us. 




  • Chronic illness - CFS/ME/Long Covid support

  • Bereavement or loss

  • Rape

  • Abuse

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Relational Difficulties

  • Trauma

  • There are many other areas that can be covered within counselling but these are a few of the main issues so please feel free to ask!




  • Within a counselling relationship it is a place where you can speak and voice things that you haven't voiced before in fear of how people my react, you can speak without the fear of being judged and in the safety of things being confidential. Also within this you may discover that you are not alone and this in itself can be freeing

  • Counselling can help you to gain perspective over your life, a place where you can reflect and grow in understanding in why you feel a certain way. It is as though you are stepping back and having time and space to look at your life in a way like never before

  • A place where you feel valued without needing to earn it

  • A place where you can hope and bring balance to your life again


Looking for counselling in Bideford , North Devon? Then get in touch with Yasha.

Check out how counselling works and the cost here

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